Treatment of Obesity

Lifestyle modification is of prime importance in weight reduction or obesity treatments. This includes modification in dietary habits and exercise regime which shows how to cure obesity.

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Drugs

Certain drugs cause loss of appetite like sibutramine and thus act by decreasing the energy intake. Other drugs like Orlistat act by decreasing fat absorption. However, all drugs are associated with side effects such as nausea, bloating, oily stools etc. Drugs however induce a weight loss of only 10% of excess weight and may not be the answer for patients requiring large amounts of weight loss and obesity treatments.


Patients with morbid obesity do not respond to medical means of weight loss. Efforts to control morbid obesity through controlled diet, behaviour modification and exercise program are only temporarily successful with patient invariably regaining weight even more than the amount lost. Obesity surgery is the only method by which long term weight loss can be achieved in these patients.

People who have struggled for many years with the illnesses and discomforts related to severe obesity often give up hope. They know what it is like to persevere time and again with diets and programs that fail to deliver long-term results. Nonetheless, giving up is not an option. Their lives depend on successfully treating obesity and maintaining a healthy weight throughout life. If you are someone for whom non-surgical procedures have failed to provide sustained weight loss, you can be evaluated for, and if appropriate, undergo lifesaving bariatric surgery. In cases of severe obesity, bariatric surgery is the only proven method of achieving long-term weight control.

Our multidisciplinary team of bariatric experts will see you through the entire process. We will make certain that you are prepared for surgery, both physically and psychologically, and we will provide the most advanced and current procedures that are right for you. After surgery, we will assist you in committing to the lifestyle changes that will assure optimal success.

What are the surgical options:

  • Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
  • Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric banding
  • Robotic Bariatric Surgery (Using the latest da Vinci Si HD Robotic system)

How Surgery works

The changes bought about by weight loss surgery are a 'tool' to restrict your energy intake so that you will burn up your fat stores. Weight loss surgery is almost guaranteed to help you lose weight, but like all good tools, it works best in the hands of a worker (you) who is well trained!

Obesity surgery works by helping to reduce the number of calories that are available in your body. There are two ways this can be achieved surgically:

  • Restriction - by reducing the size of the stomach, only small meals can be eaten  and the appetite is satisfied
  • Malabsorption - by bypassing part of the small intestine, less calories from food are absorbed by the body

How does obesity surgery change your life?

After surgery you have to undergo certain conscious adjustments like chewing your food properly and eating your meals slowly. Over a period of time you continue to lose weight, during which you are to remain under follow up. You are to report to your doctor if there is insufficient weight loss, developments of certain complications or if you start to regain weight.

The results of obesity surgery that includes an improved quality of life, improvement in self confidence and self esteem and body image has a tremendous impact on your life style.

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